How have you spent your weekend?
Did you hang out with any totally awesome women?
I did 😀
I actually got to hang out with loads of awesome women, because I was lucky enough to spend last night at the Mpower National Business Awards in Birmingham with my dear friend Nina Farr, who was a finalist.

And Health & Wellness coaches Alison Stockton (left) and Carol Wright (right). Carol sat beside me through the dinner and had me in stitches – Hollywood watch out! Alison did no less than 3 cartwheels on the side of the dancefloor to demonstrate a point. I have a feeling what she said to me last night will stick with me for the rest of my life.
These are the women you show up in life in order to meet.
To crown the occasion, I was there to cheer Nina on as she received a Highly Commended award in their Established Star category for her work with women parenting alone after high conflict separations.
It was a wonderful night, the room filled with hugely inspiring entrepreneurial women and the people who love and support them.
There was a beautiful moment, just before they started going through the category winners, when Nicola Heulin asked the people who were present as supporters – friends, family and colleagues – to stand up. She wanted to highlight the importance of these people, because success does not happen in a vacuum.
I was delighted to be one of those people standing up at that moment, and will endeavour to get at least one of my business buddies into the finals each year, for as long as Nicola runs the awards. It lights me up to see the people I love and believe in receive the external recognition they so deserve.
Who would be there beside you at the Awards next year? And what are you going to be recognised for?
PS Find out more about
Nina’s work at her facebook page or her website
Jo’s work at her facebook page or her website
Alison’s work at her Facebook page or her website
Carol’s work at her Facebook page or her website
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