Coming to you on International Eat Chocolate Until You May Throw Up Day… Happy Easter!
I felt like Kylo Ren meeting his grandpa this morning when Tils passed me her half eaten chocolate stormtrooper mask. I cracked the joke then promptly ate a bit of his jaw. Sorry, not sorry!
This week has been great. We relaxed into full “it’s the school holidays” mode. On Monday, I let Tilly do my hair and with great excitement she set about creating a design with plaits. This has also led to several conversations around her having matching unicorn hair. We tried one of the pink shampoos I have under the sink and it did nothing. Maybe this week coming we’ll try the next level up. Watch this space.
Then came the baking. Luckily this week she decided not to make cake. She asked for biscuits. Historically, the only biscuits I’ve ever managed to pull off are gingerbread, and even then maybe a third of the batch are sublime and the rest are a bit meh or over-baked. Other people might blame the oven, I just have no pretensions about being a good cook lol. Anyway, she chose ginger nuts, so I felt like the name was a positive omen.
She made some into heart shapes and some into the letters for “I love” but ran out of dough before she could make out “you” or “Bindi” (her dog) or what or whoever she had in mind.
These were probably the best ginger nuts I have ever eaten. I wanted to be all delicate like a lady and take a photo accordingly, looking like I was enjoying the biscuit.
But then my inner beast took over and devoured that thing. Mm mm mm. Damn they were gooooooood. Oh yeah. We will definitely be making them again at some point!
Incidentally, anybody else eating biscuits like they’re all that will save humanity at the moment?
Tuesdays are our nature day, and this week we have been lucky in spotting a butterfly that I’d never noticed before, the first blue bells and a possibly quite rare beetle! It’s astonishing what you notice when you slow down and remove your head from your phone. Astonishing and pretty sad too, because you realise what you’ve been missing out on.
Wednesday was supposed to be writing day, but I needed to get my face mask made before I went into town to check the post in the office and run some errands. My mum had sent me a link to a youtube video and it didn’t look that hard, so I had a go and voila. My first face mask. Given how long this whole Covid joy may go on and the apparent benefits of wearing masks, I will be making more, and attempting to make them look more fun than this one. If you want to give it a try, here is the you tube video I used.

On Thursday, I decided to test out my new shorts. In the safety of my garden, where I’d only blind people who shouldn’t be looking at me anyway 😉 I did about 5 hours of digging and weeding, while Tils produced a couple of cute paintings for art day. One of them was a particularly fetching baby in an old fashioned carriage pram, pushed by a mother with rainbow hair. It’s okay, it wasn’t me lol
On Friday morning, at about 7.30 Tils came in to my room and asked if we could read Harry Potter. When we had finished the last 200 odd pages of the Deathly Hallows, I checked my watch to find that it was nearly 3pm. I’m not sure what you call breakfast at 3pm? It was a great fun day, even if it did leave me with a throat on fire! Seriously, reading aloud for 7 hours on only 2 cups of tea is a stupid idea. I must really love my kid 🙂
We camped out again last night. Well, we camped in the living room. I can confirm that the sofa is marginally more comfortable than the floor. Next weekend, when she asks for camping again, if I still haven’t found the air pump… that pump is like the Scarlett Pimpernel and we may have missed a prime paddling pool week as a result too… Amazon Prime may have to be the answer!
Our plan for next week? Well tomorrow is still play time, but school work will start arriving again on Tuesday. I’m looking forward to getting some planting done in the garden, doing another work out online with my friend, developing my Wim Hof breathing and meeting with my TAWN teams.
How has your week been? And what are you planning for the week ahead?
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