Have we reached the half way point, I wonder?
This week we had the news that the government had finally listened and accepted that it was logistically impossible for all primary kids to get back to school with social distancing etc. So, we’re probably looking at September, but even that may be part time.
I know a number of my friends are disappointed. Some are disappointed because they have had enough of trying to learn the current maths methods in order to explain things to their kids. Some are exhausted by trying to work full time from home and also home school. Some are sad for their kids as one is eligible to go back and is loving it, but their other(s) have to stay home. Some are all of the above.

I also know some of my friends are delighted because whilst their furlough payments continue, they are having the most wonderful time with their kids imaginable. Well, maybe the rain has dampened it a bit, but the photos all over social media say otherwise.
For us, I’m just relieved that the uncertainty is over and I can make a proper plan. I love a good plan <3
Way back, in a parallel universe before school closed to all but the few, I suggested to Tilly that we address this as an adventure. She was quite excited about that idea. Then school work started arriving and the adventure went a bit out the window. This week, with the knowledge that we would indeed have another 3 months together, I pitched the idea again on our dog walk.

She was curious about how it would work and I suggested that as we’ve been reading Paddington and quite enjoyed Dora and the Lost City of Gold that maybe we go to Peru. So that’s what we’re doing next week.

I will find a way to make the maths problems more interesting, probably taking some inspiration from Indiana Jones, and we will virtually explore Peru. Check back here next week for how it all panned out, but we have a Peruvian cake recipe and we both love alpacas, so I’m feeling hopeful.
Her baking triumph this week was Mrs Rabbit’s Currant Buns from the Beatrix Potter recipe book. Absolutely scrumptious and other than a bit of extra mixing and the oven part, she did it all by herself. Can’t wait for the day she’s tall enough to safely make me a cuppa! But these were what we enjoyed at the tea party.
Artistic endeavours were inspired by World Oceans Day on Monday – she drew a lovely whale and some frolicking dolphins, but declined to colour them in so they’re not easy to see.

And then Tuesday was Empathy Day and as part of the live programme of events, Rob Biddulph showed us how to draw an Empathy Sloth. I had a go too and was so impressed that we’ll be checking out more of his tutorials in coming weeks. Fingers crossed he decides to do a llama next week!
Hopefully it’s a reflection of her approval of the plan, but she made me a Best Mum badge. I’m chuffed to bits as she did it without telling me and presented it to me with glee.
How has your week been? Xx
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