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Do You Crave Connection?
We seek to empower female entrepreneurs to identify and fulfil their business and personal goals through creating a safe space where honesty and vulnerability lead to support, success and cheerleading. Who doesn’t love an ovation when they land a new client?
What members say
“..Being a member of the Totally Awesome Women's Network has revolutionised my business and life as a self-employed woman. This is not a network where you go and big yourself is a network where you go and big others up and they do the same for you!.."
“...From a personal point of view, Rhiannon and the team have encouraged me to ‘think bigger’ and supported me in ways I couldn’t have foreseen... As a result, my business - and yes, life! - has improved measurably and I know that, at TAWN, I’m among friends.”
“...Not only have I made some amazing friends, it has been such a support for me as I run a small business whilst having a young family... I’m am so happy to have found Rhiannon and the group. It really has been a godsend...”
“I met Rhiannon by chance at a party and joined TAWN the week before I took redundancy from a long held role within a national charity. Finding the group felt like a soft and gentle landing after a rocky skydive...TAWN meetings are the highlight of my month...”
“..I find being a member of TAWN both beneficial from a business point of view and enjoyable from a personal perspective. My fellow members run very different businesses to mine but the group gives us a platform to come together to share and talk through our challenges and celebrate our successes...” [caption id="attachment_111" align="alignnone" width="200"]
“... I would not have the business I do or be the person I am without Rhiannon and TAWN...”