Heading into our third month at home together, and we are in a pretty happy rhythm 🙂
The new routine is working well, and I feel so good all day when I’ve achieved something before breakfast. Tilly earned her first reward for playing her part, and is keen to know how long it will be before she earns a pony. Is it bad that I tell her anything’s possible, whilst also being 100% sure that owning a pony is not in our future? 😉
TAWN Book Club this month was reading Denise Dufflied Thomas’s Chillpreneur so I have been working on my money mindset. I can therefore accept the possibility of affording a pony, I’m just realistic about who would end up being expected to get up at 5am in the winter to muck out!
If anyone’s on the fence about reading it because of its title, I say go for it. I was fully prepared to not like it, but she sucked me in and gave lots of value. I think it’s one I’ll go back to again too, as there were so many layers to it.
It has been a week of tech weirdness – I screen grabbed this one because I thought it was funny that I was ready for the Hub’s book group chat before the host… well as long as you don’t count having actually read the book anyway lol I felt bad about that until Chris told us it was basically pretty gruesome and included dog-fighting scenes and I knew it would have upset me.
This one on the other hand – cue music from the Twilight Zone…. WTAF?
Not only was the internet refusing to connect so that I could have my training session with Jo, it was also…. possessed?!?!
We had wasted the best part of half an hour trying to get into the same zoom call, but the password kept being denied, even though it was exactly what had been set up… Bizarre!
Anyway, in the end I grabbed a Davina DVD – possibly the first time I’d ever done the Fit in 15 one? Tilly joined in with the cardio until she was puffed out… I should probably disclose that I was doing the “less fit/flexible/able to jump high” modifications and she was trying to keep up with Davina lol
It ended with a stretch and meditation. If I lie down on the floor though, I think George just assumes I need washing and or resuscitation, because this happens and I get licked half to death!
Bless them, the dogs had some excitement this week with their haircuts. Bindi looked like she’d lost three dress sizes after she’d been shaved down. George looked several years younger. I wonder if mine will make me feel that vastly improved? …No pressure Claire tee hee hee …I have my date with you in my diary and I am just hoping that whatever arrangements the school end up making facilitate me getting the green removed from my hair!
Dog walks had a highlight too. We finally saw horses in the bottom field, and they were curious enough about us to come and say hello and have some love. I have consistently forgotten to stick a carrot in my pocket since of course, but luckily they haven’t come up to the gate again either. I’ll try again next week and hopefully we’ll be their highlight too.
This week also saw World Bee Day. This is one of the handful I’ve fished out of Tilly’s paddling pool and helped to dry out. He was very groggy so had possibly been in the water too long to fully recover.
I’ve never quite figured out how the sugar water mix is supposed to work, so I tend to try and get them dried out and on a flower. This guy clung onto the spade, which was hopefully at least a sign that his spirit was still strong.
I managed to coax him onto a flower and haven’t found his body, so fingers crossed.
Other than that, it’s been a week packed with James Wedmore for me while I figure out how to craft the messaging for some very different niches, and then a two night masterclass on programme design. Tuesday night was about 5 hours, and I think it’s been 3 and a half hours each last night and tonight. I shall sleep well tonight!
How has your week been? Xx
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